Move Forward with Mobile Learning

Welcome to the Move Forward with Mobile Learning site! This site was developed to support Team WorldEd for the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition, which ended in August 2019.

Team WorldEd, a diverse, virtual community of adult education providers, was named the Tier 1 Achievement Winner in the Barbara Bush Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition presented by Dollar General Literacy Foundation for its innovative and award-winning strategies to empower adults with low literacy skills to use four free mobile learning tools: Cell-Ed, Learning Upgrade, Amrita Learning, and Codex: Lost Words of Atlantis.

While the Adult Literacy XPRIZE competition has ended, our work to provide high-quality professional development and support the field in harnessing mobile learning in their work has not. On this site, you can explore and access resources and tools to support effective mobile learning integration in adult basic education contexts. 

Milestone award badge
Amrita learning logo

Amrita Learning

Learning upgrade logo

Learning Upgrade

Logo for Cell-Ed


Logo for Codex: Lost words of Atlantis

Codex: Lost Words of Atlantis

Accessing Free Mobile Learning Apps

In this webinar, we discuss the purpose, requirements and strategies of the competition for those who have joined or are thinking of joining Team WorldEd. We will hear about the learner recruitment strategies currently planned and/or implemented. Additionally, we will discuss what assistance and recruitment materials team members would find helpful.

Meet the Apps Part 1: Cell-Ed & Codex: Lost Words of Atlantis

This two-part webinar series gives an overview of the four, field-tested mobile learning apps available through the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition. We will delve deeper into two apps in each of the two webinars. This webinar features Cell-Ed and Codex: Lost Words of Atlantis. Practitioner presenters will provide tips for how they have helped adult learners use these apps and to what effect. This webinar is designed for those who have joined or are thinking of joining Team WorldEd. 

Meet the Apps Part 2: Amrita Learning & Learning Upgrade

The second of this two-part webinar series gives an overview of two field-tested mobile learning apps, Learning Upgrade and Amrita Learning, available through the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition. Join us to hear the developers introduce their apps as well as from practitioner presenters on how they have used the apps to help adult learners. This webinar is designed for those who have joined or are thinking of joining Team WorldEd.

Sharing Our Stories: Learning From Successes and Challenges

In this webinar, we will discuss Team WorldEd members’ frequently asked questions and hear from team members who have shared useful implementation strategies and resources. Our guest presenters Xavier Munoz, Maryann Peterson, and Kim Libby will share observations from learners who have used multiple apps with their learners.

Move Forward with Mobile Learning: Implementation Tips from Practitioners

Tune into our webinar featuring Linda Beliveau, Technology Teacher Specialist at Nashua Adult Education, New Hampshire. Linda shared her strategies for using the free apps provided in the Adult Literacy XPRIZE Communities Competition. The EdTech Center’s communications team also gave a tour of Team WorldEd’s website, and discussed how different programs have customized the resources to support their implementation.

Outreach Materials

Adults new to learning online might be overwhelmed by the range of learning content available to them in an app. Or, they do not understand what it is they might learn there. Creating a few print-based reference materials can help make learning content less abstract.

Access all postcards for Amrita & Learning Upgrade here

Quick Facts on the Competition Apps!

A chart comparing the four XPRIZE apps and their data and access comparisons
Part 2 of the comparison chart of the four XPRIZE apps, detailing storage space requirement, student tracking capabilities and more.

What does it mean to join Team WorldEd?

Everyone who downloads the app(s) can use it for free through Aug 2020.

Recruiting adults to try one of the approved competition apps: students, their friends, family – ANYONE who can benefit from using these apps.

Helping adults download the chosen app and log in with the Team WorldEd code (3366).

Encouraging adults to use the app on at least three separate days.

Get tips and insights on using mobile learning apps with our TechTips blog. Read our blog post on  Field testing Cell-Ed with adult learners. 

an image describing the timeline for the XPRIZE adult literacy Communities competition from june 2018 to august 2020.