“With your help and guidance, we are helping programs learn how to incorporate more technology of all types into programming and reach more students. I heard many “ah-hahs!” as folks left the mini-institute.”
– Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, Ph.D. Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Virginia Department of Education
“IDEAL 101 provides an exceptional opportunity for colleagues within a program to partner with others from around their state for in-depth study on the fundamentals of distance and blended learning programs, including research and best practices, supported by knowledgeable facilitators and engaging discussions.”
– Adam, Minnesota
2024 – 2025 Member States
- Arizona: Maximizing student choice and flexibility through the addition of the HyFlex model of instruction
- California: Leading adult education through support for and the effective application of technology
- Colorado: Drawing on IDEAL PD resources to scale up distance education in their programs
- Connecticut: Connecticut plans to increase the efficacy of virtual learning by the creation of consistent standards and improved delivery of virtual learning through effective support and professional learning for teachers and the creation of clear state policy guidelines.
- District of Columbia: DC Providers Excel In Delivering Integrated Education & Training via Place-Based, Blended, and/or Distance Approaches! Thanks, IDEAL Consortium!
- Maine: Increasing the quality of distance and blended learning through the IDEAL PD content and expertise of our IDEAL colleagues
- Maryland: Laying a new foundation for strong distance and blended learning statewide by establishing new policies and providing PD for teachers across the state
- Massachusetts: ACLS envisions Virtual Learning and Service Delivery options where all Massachusetts adult residents in need of adult basic education will be able to access high-quality remote, hybrid or in-person instruction regardless of zip code, work schedule, or family responsibilities.
- Minnesota: Expanded DL PD and options via the Teacher Verification Model; new online courses – Distance Learning and Blended Learning, and Using LMS to design teacher-created courses; and a new option for DL approval for teacher-created courses
- New Hampshire: Shifting from surviving to thriving with the intentional use of technology to meet the new realities of learning
- New Mexico: Embracing technology innovation to become a state leader in pandemic recovery
- Pennsylvania: Continuing to expand distance learning opportunities beyond the pandemic; Improving digital literacy competency among staff and students
- Rhode Island: Refining Distance/Blended/Hyflex Learning; delivering PD to Directors and AE Staff through Learning Circles: a peer-supported learning model
- South Carolina: Harvesting diamonds –cultivating gems forged from an ever-evolving digital age
- Tennessee: Expanding student access and teacher resources through a statewide LMS
- Texas: Investing in the future of Distance Education
- Virginia: Strengthening the use of distance and blended learning in instruction by using IDEAL as a professional development resource