In these next activities students use the model of asking question to determine the answers to questions that effect their self interest.

Source: The Right Question Project, 167 Holland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144


Am I Qualified

I am standing up here in front of you as one of your teachers. All of you have goals, things you want to do with your life. I am one of the people responsible for helping you acquire the skills you need to graduate and be successful in life. How do you know that I am qualified to be your teacher? What questions could you ask me to find out? Would asking if I have lived in Boston all my life help you get the information you need? Why or why not?

Make a list of their questions, remind them that they have to ask appropriate questions in a respectful way. Also, warn them that there will not be time to answer the questions today. This is just a way to practice asking questions.

Possible Responses
Where did you go to school?
How long have you been teaching?
Have you taught adults before?
Do you like your job?

Why are these important questions? Why would it be important for you to know whether I am qualified to teach you? What if I wasn't? What could you do if I clearly did not have the qualifications or the desire to teach?

Think of our leaders and how often we feel frustrated that they do not help us solve the biggest problems in our lives: the lack of jobs, the low wages, the high cost of living etc. How often do we challenge their ability to be our leaders by asking them how they plan to address the issues that are most important to us? If we do not hold our leaders accountable; if we do not insist that they prove themselves to us, our leaders will not take the time to solve the problems that effect our lives. We need to have a voice so that politicians listen to us and take our concerns seriously. We will be heard only if we insist on getting the answers to questions that effect our wellbeing.

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