Math Beyond Workbooks

Race to 10 or -10

To print out a game board, click here.

Ideally, use dice that have digits written on them rather than pips, and write a negative sign in front of the digits on one of the dice. I also cover up the 6 on each die with a zero. If dice with digits are not available, just use two different colored dice and designate, say, red as positive and green as negative.

  1. Players begin with their markers placed beside the zero.

  2. The first player rolls the two dice and adds the numbers rolled. She moves up or down the game board this many spaces. Take turns.

  3. The first player to move her piece off the game board in either the positive or negative direction wins.

This game is great for internalizing the rules for adding integers. A variation of this game can be played using 4 or 6 dice (half of them negative and half positive) and adding all of the digits rolled.

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Written by Ruth Estabrook