GED-Grid Battleship
Students can play this variation of Battleship® to practice plotting points on the type of grid that is now used on the new GED exam. This grid looks like this:
If your students are not preparing for the GED, or if you would rather practice with a "traditional" coordinate axis, they can play using a regular 10 x 10 grid with the coordinate axes in the center.
I find it helpful for students to write the points they call out as a coordinate pair, such as (2, -3), on the side of their paper to settle disputes that may arise if a point is plotted incorrectly.
Variations: To speed up the game, students can agree to inform each other whenever a shot is within one unit of a battleship. Also, players may agree to allow ships to be placed diagonally as well as vertically and horizontally, and they may vary the number and length of the ships.
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