Regina visited her former English language class to tell the teacher and students about her new job.The students took the opportunity to interview her for their project. They used a tape recorder to record what she said.  ---------------->


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How long did it take you to learn English?

Regina: A long time. When I started to study here, I had been in the United States only about five months. I could read a little English, but I only understood a few words, like "How are you?" or "What is your name?" My oldest son came to the Workforce Center with me to apply. He talked with the counselor instead of me. I was very nervous and afraid. Even so, I did not realize how hard it would be or that it would take me over one and one half years to get ready for training. I was surprised about everything in this country, not just English, but the whole style of life.

Students: What kind of training was required for your job?
I went to a training school for nine months. I learned bookkeeping, spreadsheets and word processing.

Students: Tell us about your job interviews. What were they like?

Regina: First, I usually had to fill out an application. Then I would be called into a room with the interviewer. When I walked in, I usually said "Hello" and "My name is Regina ________ . Then the interviewer usually introduced himself or herself. A smile is very important, but that is not hard for me because I like to smile. I know that in the United States I am supposed to look at the interviewer's face and act like I am comfortable being there. I always dressed properly. The interviewers always asked about the directions. I always said that the directions were fine, even if I had a big problem finding the place.

Most of the time they asked why I wanted to work there.Then they asked what kind of experience I have. I answered  by describing the experience and training listed on my resume. Sometimes the talk was very simple and they asked about what my children and husband are doing.

In the place that hired me, I had three interviews.The first time I interviewed with the personnel director. She is in charge of all the workers in the company. After that, I interviewed with the head bookkeeper. She gave me a test on bookkeeping. After I passed the test, she talked to me about the work I would be doing if I worked there. Then she told me that they would call me in two or three weeks. When they called, they said that they wanted to interview me again, in a week's time. This time it was very special. Three people interviewed me, and it took three hours. They called after one week and said that I got the job. Before I was hired, I had to go to the hospital to take a blood test.

Students:What are your duties?

Regina: I am an accounting assistant. I keep track of the books for the components we manufacture and help with the inventory.I help with the records of the components and the parts.

Students: What do you like about your job?

Regina: The people there seemed very nice. I could tell that they were good people. They are very nice. When I told them that I am worried about my English, they said not to worry. They said that after a few months of working and speaking English all day, my language skills would get much better.

Students: Do you have benefits at your job?

Regina:Yes, I have all benefits. I have hospitalization, dental, optical and vacation.

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This page was designed by Kerren Vallone, Coordinator of Adult ESL Programs
Bergen County Technical Schools, Bergen Workforce Center, Hackensack, NJ 07601
Last Updated 9-25-99                     (mail to:
Funded by a Northeast Lit-Tech mini-grant