Computers in Action
Table of Contents

Bulleting & Numbering

Do's and Don'ts

            • Be on time for work.
            • Don't clap your hands to get a waiter's attention.
            • Don't stand too close when you speak with others.

Language Objectives:
Commands, conversation
Computer Objectives: Bulleting and numbering
Language Level: Beginners to advanced
Time: Half an hour to forty-five minutes
Computer Prerequisite: Highlighting

Prepare a list such as a shopping list, your favorite musicians, or the most important idioms for your students to learn. Type it to use for your demonstration on how to utilize the bulleting and numbering functions.

If students don't know how to open a document, you may want to do that for them in advance on their computers.


  • Highlight your list and click the bulleting button, then demonstrate the numbering function.
  • Ask students to work together in pairs and discuss which are the most important cultural dos and don'ts when a person arrives to this country. Review the command form if needed. Have students type their lists and bullet them.
  • After generating a bulleted list, have students work together to type the list underneath, in order of importance. Then tell them to use the numbering button.
  • Have the class discuss their common and contrasting experiences.
  • After writing a list of dos and don'ts, have students use Cut and Paste to change the order of the list from most important to least important. Have students highlight (or Select All in the Edit menu) and click on the numbering button.
  • Have students make lists of dos and don'ts for travelers to their countries.

YOUR ideas!

E-mail us YOUR ideas or submit a form and we will add them as a Variation.



Table of Contents

He's going home now. He goes home now. He going home now.