World Education worked with ten adult learning programs in eight states from 2018 to 2020 in the scale-up of English Now! learning circles.
The English Now! Implementation Guide, written by Kathleen O’Connell and Priyanka Sharma, provides additional guidance, sample lessons and tips for programs and education staff to effectively implement the Learning Circles model. Learn more about the project here.
Listen in as Priyanka Sharma and Kathleen O’Connell of World Education discuss how to run learning circles and review the successes and lessons learned in this project. Hear how individual programs adapted learning circles to meet their needs with: Roberta Chacon; 1199 SEIU Funds NY, Denise Kline; Chesapeake College, MD; and Maryann Peterson; TJACE, Piedmont Community College, VA. David Rosen, Newsome Associates, our project adviser, reports on three other programs’ learning circles.