COVID-19 Education Response – Rapid Research Technical Working Group

Female teacher in computer classroom

The COVID-19 pandemic led to a rapid pivot to emergency remote teaching and learning (ERTL) for adult basic skills programs. An urgent need to build capacity of programs and staff to serve their communities spurred the efforts of teachers, administrators, and local staff. State staff and national organizations captured learnings from this effort in Spring of 2020.

The EdTech Center @ World Education convened researchers leading studies on the field’s response to COVID-19 in a Technical Working Group (TWG), where they analyzed their collective research efforts.  The brief resulting from this effort captures shared high-level findings unearthed during a series of synthesis meetings and related activities, including:

  • the role of leadership; the quantity and quality of professional development;
  • strategies for engaging learners together with supporting access to devices, connectivity, and resources;
  • partnership opportunities;  policy and practice challenges; and
  • the learning that is guiding planning for fall 2020 and beyond.

Read the brief, access the slide deck with high-level findings and explore additional research materials and resources from our contributors here.

Contributors include: American Institutes Research (AIR), Coalition for Adult Basic Education (COABE), Evidence-Based Adult Education System (E-BAES) – Open Door Collective, Rutgers University, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning, Newsome Associates, Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN), ProLiteracy, Texas Workforce Commission Adult Education & Literacy and TCALL